
Dundee Courier Feature - BBC Landward
The Courier has featured a lovely article on me this morning about my upcoming appearance on the BBC Landward show as a presenter later this week.

Dundee Courier Weekend Magazine Feature
I woke up to this lovely feature in the Dundee Courier this morning in the Weekend Magazine with such a wonderful writeup from Michael Alexander after we spoke a few weeks back.

Dundee Courier Front Page
I had a lovely surprise this morning with a front page on the Dundee Courier - definitely not what I was expecting in relation to appearing on the BBC Landward show later this week.

Herald Magazine Feature
Big thank you to Teddy Jamieson for the lovely feature in today’s Herald Magazine about my second book, Scotland Revealed, which went to print just before the lockdown and is now out.

The Herald Magazine Feature
Over the last two weeks, two of my images have featured in articles written by Teddy Jamieson of The Herald about the Firth of Forth.

Sunday Mail/Daily Record Feature
I was delighted to see that the Sunday Mail had put together a three page spread featuring my work after interviewing me in the previous week.

Sunday Herald Life Magazine Feature
Earlier this week I was interviewed about my book (Scotland in Photographs) for the Sunday Herald and the interview has appeared in today’s edition (specifically in their Life magazine)

STV Dundee & Courier Feature
Over the last two weeks, I was featured in an article on STV Dundee and also a 3/4 page article in The Courier newspaper about my shortlisted images for the Scottish Landscape Photographer of the Year competition.

Evening Telegraph feature on Dundee Photographic Society
Eagle eyed folk will have spotted my image from the weekend of the Tay Rail Bridge featured in tonight’s Evening Telegraph as part of the article about Dundee Photographic Society.
Word gets around when Shahbaz is in town!
This Tuesday I was at Brechin Photographic Society for the third time for an informal evening discussing and commenting on long exposure images.